Investors Allege Massive Fraud by Austrian Citizen Roberto Divkovic, Founder of Serbian Company IMP 1991 Plus DOO Beograd

Roberto Divkovic Austria Scammer

Austrian citizen Roberto Divkovic, formerly known for his soccer career, is now embroiled in a significant financial scandal involving his Serbian company, IMP 1991 Plus DOO Beograd. The company, which claims to specialize in gold trading, is accused of defrauding investors of hundreds of thousands of euros.


Born on December 30, 1991, Divkovic established the Belgrade-based IMP 1991 Plus DOO Beograd, promising to engage in the buying and selling of gold. He attracted investors with the allure of high returns and quarterly payments. However, these promises have not been kept, resulting in substantial financial losses for a number of investors.

The scale of the alleged fraud is extensive, with reported losses in the six-figure range. The exact number of investors affected is not clear, but the impact is widespread. Legal actions are being prepared, as investors seek to recover their investments and hold Divkovic accountable.

Described by many as a compulsive liar without moral scruples, Divkovic’s alleged actions have raised serious questions about his business conduct. Despite being an Austrian citizen and currently residing in Austria, his business activities in Serbia have come under intense scrutiny.

The case against Divkovic and IMP 1991 Plus DOO Beograd is a stark example of the challenges faced by investors in international ventures. It highlights the need for greater vigilance and regulatory oversight in cross-border investment activities, particularly in high-stakes markets like precious metals.

As legal proceedings against Divkovic and his company progress, further details are expected to surface. Updates will be provided as more information becomes available.