Tips on how to get comped free stuff in Las Vegas


“Comp” is the shortened version of “complimentary”, which refers to everything offered by a casino for free or at a discounted price. The best way to think about it is that it’s a marketing gimmick for casinos such as “buy two for the price of one” common in grocery stores. It is worth knowing how to get free stuff in Las Vegas, particularly when you want to cut down on the cost of your stay. Las Vegas is blessed with numerous and awesome attractions, but nearly all of them requires you to pay for them, and the cost can take a toll on you. It can be very destabilizing if you run out of cash prematurely.

Even though a lot of things in Las Vegas will cost you money, there are some things that you can get for close to nothing or for free in totality. Few things are as enjoyable as getting something valuable for free or at a greatly reduced price. Everybody comes to Las Vegas to play in the world of casinos, right? So read on for tips on how to get comped free stuff in Las Vegas that can save you some decent cash.

comped hotel las vegas

Sign up for a player’s card

The number one tip here is to always ensure that you’re rated whenever you play. Getting rated means that the house is able to follow your average betting as well as the duration of time in which you play. Virtually all Las Vegas casinos have a player’s card that is available for free to help in keeping track of a player’s average bet and playing duration. Make certain that you sign up for this card as is the gateway to seriously discounted and at times free luxury hotel stays, free chartered jet transportation and other freebies.

total rewards player cardEven when you’re not planning to gamble, simply signing up for these cards can get you some free stuff. Indeed, many casinos offer something for signing up for the cards such as a coupon book, free slot play and often a t-shirt. This is arguably the easiest freebie you can ever get. Simply sign up for the player’s card. You can sign up for the card at the casino’s website or Player’s Club desk in the casino. Even if you’re not intending to play much, signing up for the player’s card allows the casino to send you huge discounted offers for rooms and other stuff via mail. One of the best player cards is called “Total Rewards” and include many of the most famous casinos.


If you gamble you’re bound to receive more comped free stuff from the casino. You will get free show tickets, free buffet, and casino rate rooms or free rooms to reward your gambling. Remember you don’t have to lose to be rewarded. The casino rewards you basing on the duration of your playing and expected loss, not actual loss. If you make profits out of your gambling, you’ll still enjoy your freebies. Many Las Vegas casinos offer comps offer nearly all their hotel rooms to gamblers for free.

Importantly, don’t gamble simply to get comps. That would be like using a dollar to salvage a quarter. If you’re given $300 worth of freebies because you spent $1000 in your gambling, you still paid $700 to get those free stuff. Actually, it is better when you can spend the least amount of money in your gambling or nothing at all. However, if you’re in Vegas, it is nearly impossible not to gamble. Choose casino games where you will get a higher return such as Baccarat, Blackjack, and craps. Try to stay away from the slots if you can, and if you have to play, go for the higher stake slot machines as they give a better return than the penny slots.

When buying in at a casino table it’s better to buy in for your entire bankroll than to add more in increments. If you’re planning on playing with $400 then buy in for $400 straight away and put your player’s card on the table so that the pit boss can put your buy-in into the system.

How much do you have to play for in order to get comped?

There are various opinions on this but a golden rule is to play a bit higher in the beginning. If you’re playing Blackjack, it’s recommended to start playing $20 per hand and if you’re playing slots you want to keep your stakes above $2 per spin.

Marketing Comps

Once you go to a casino and gamble there, the casino may start sending you marketing promotions via mail. Often this comprises of coupons which you can redeem on your next visit to the casino to get free buffets, casino rate room, show tickets, free spa visit and more. You can as well get “free play” or “bounce back cash”.

Ask for comps

Whenever you visit a casino and play, never forget or feel ashamed to ask for comps. If you don’t ask for comps, chances are that you’ll get none. When playing table games like craps or blackjack, the Pit Boss will normally get you the comps. The amount of freebies you receive depends on the kind of casino you are at, their comp policy, and the duration of your play as well as the amount you’re wagering. Importantly, remember to ask for comps. It is a way to compensate losses, and on a lucky day, add on to the money you win.

Put everything you buy on your hotel room. At the end of your stay, you can call the concierge and ask them if they can take a look at your play history and see if they can give you a discount on the total bill.